Families are as complicated as the people who belong to them. It is not unusual for the dynamics of your family to change as your children mature and age. Someone whom you once viewed as trustworthy could later become someone who makes terrible decisions or who...
Why you need to consider creating a living will for yourself
For many people, an estate plan is simply a way for them to officially record their wishes about who gets what when they die. However, an estate plan can and arguably should be far more comprehensive than simply notes about your assets. If you have children, for...
Why should someone challenge a will?
A will gives the final say on what happens to someone's estate. It splits up money among heirs, instructs them on how to divide physical property and turns over assets to the next generation. Some wills are very simple, essentially just telling their heirs what assets...
Estate planning is crucial for single parents
Life as a single parent is difficult. Your children count on you for everything, but you also have to take care of yourself. There are many aspects that you must think about, including what is going to happen to your children if you pass away or become incapacitated....
Using a no-contest clause to protect your California estate plan
The more assets you have acquired over the course of your life, the stronger your feelings may be about what happens to those assets when you die. If you are like most people, you have probably put significant thought into who should receive which of your assets after...
Reasons you might disinherit someone
Every now and then, an aging parent has an heir that they want to cut out of their will. This is known as disinheriting that person. In short, it is someone who would otherwise assume they'd get an inheritance, but they will get nothing.For instance, perhaps you have...
What does “intestate” mean for California inheritance?
No one understands your family and your family members’ needs better than you do, but if you don’t communicate those needs, the State of California has its own plans. The term is “intestate succession,” and it applies to any Californian who doesn’t create a will...
What can you do now to care for you loved ones once you’re gone?
As you look to the future, you likely believe you will not truly have to worry about your estate plan for many years to come. However, you probably know it is wise to document your wishes.There are many mistakes people make in their estate planning. Being aware of...
What calls for the revocation of a trust?
Depending on the type of trust you’ve created it may be simple or difficult to make modifications to it. In fact, in some situations, you may even revoke a trust altogether. If you find yourself in any of the following circumstance, it probably makes the most sense to...
When it’s time to update estate plans
Life tends to change quickly, as many Californians know. Living in a state that has both wildfires and floods, we learn to roll with the punches. Many people don’t realize that as life changes, so too should an estate plan. Too many think it’s something that you...