In the event of your passing, you should put a trustworthy executor in charge of your estate. This person will take care of everything from taxes to personal property to debts. Most importantly, your executor will distribute your belongings in the way that you prefer.
A solid plan can help lower the stress for your executor, as well as your family members. This post will give you some tips on how you can make sure your executor is taking care of business.
As a court official, your executor should know about his or her legal requirements after your passing. The duties may include acquiring your benefits and assets, collecting your mail, canceling your credit cards and distributing your estate fairly. Even if an executor means well, failure to live up to the relevant tasks can cause legal disputes and strife within your family.
When you have several executors, you should make sure they work together and stay on the same page. Make it clear what tasks each executor should carry out and let them know that you will be checking in with updates on their progress. You can even set up a timeline so everyone knows how long things should take.
Your passing can be a very emotional time for those close to you. Your executor will likely feel the weight of responsibility and might need support from family members to get through. Understanding estate law and being clear about your wishes can make things easier for everyone involved.