In the event of your passing, you should put a trustworthy executor in charge of your estate. This person will take care of everything from taxes to personal property to debts. Most importantly, your executor will distribute your belongings in the way that you prefer....
Year: 2021
What is probate litigation?
Probate is the process of managing a deceased individual’s estate under State supervision. Sometimes, a dispute arises in the process. This is probate litigation. You might have concerns about you or a loved one’s estate management. This article explains the probate...
Can my ex inherit from my estate after our divorce?
A divorce forces you to chart a new course. Along with the immediate ramifications of dividing finances, debt, property and time with children, you may want to consider what may happen with your estate. Now that you are no longer married, you should update your estate...
3 key components every estate plan should have
If you count yourself among the many adults in California who do not yet have an estate plan, know that you do not have to expend considerable time, energy and expense to create an effective one. Instead, many people are able to accomplish their most important estate...
How a supplemental needs trust improves a child’s quality of life
If you have a child who has a disability, you may have some deep concerns about his or her ability to work. Not being able to pursue gainful employment, of course, may lead to a lifetime of financial insecurity. Fortunately, from Medicaid to Supplemental Security...
What happens if you die without a will in California?
According to The Conversation, an astounding 68% of the U.S. population lack a will. Many people put it off, believing they have plenty of time to do so since they are young. However, according to a group convened by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and...
Three reasons a will can be contested
In a perfect scenario, a well-drafted will allows surviving family members to know the decedent's precise wishes and the administration of the estate continues without delay. Sometimes, however, these matters are far from perfect and parties to the estate may believe...
Should you leave your ex-spouse in your estate plan following divorce?
When you get a divorce, one of the first things you’ll do is update your estate plan to remove your spouse from it. Your now ex-spouse usually will not remain in your estate plan unless there is a specific reason that you would like to keep them on as a beneficiary in...
Estate planning to protect your children
If you are a parent, you will want to make sure that your children are always financially secure, no matter what age they are. Therefore, when you start planning your estate, it is likely that this will be your biggest priority, especially if your children are still...
Can you choose to disinherit someone in a California estate plan?
You have worked hard and made difficult decisions throughout your life to build up your financial resources. You may have skipped going on vacation for years so that you could put that money aside for your retirement instead. Those assets you've acquired during your...